
無人駕駛汽車正式上路!Google 獲發行駛牌照 | UNWIRE.HK 流動科技生活 2012, 2014

無人駕駛汽車正式上路!Google 獲發行駛牌照 | UNWIRE.HK 流動科技生活:

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內華達州的車輛管理局正式批准了 Google 在該州公路上測試無人駕駛汽車的牌照申請 ,成為美國第一個允許無人駕駛汽車上路的州。Google 獲得的牌照是紅色底白字和一個代表無限的符號,車輛管理局局長在聲明中表示,無限符號最能代表「未來汽車」,而紅色則較容易被公眾和執法機關辨識。
暫時只有 Google 獲發牌照,當其他汽車製造商開始向大眾提供無人駕駛汽車時,牌照顏色將會換為綠色。早前 Google  展示出一位住在美國加州的盲人 Steve Mahan 登上無人駕駛車,載著 Steve 去了快餐店和乾洗店,體驗駕駛的樂趣。

Self-Driving Car Test: Steve Mahan (Audio Described)

This video is audio described for the visually-impaired. The original version can be found here: http://youtu.be/cdgQpa1pUUE

We announced our self-driving car project in 2010 to make driving safer, more enjoyable, and more efficient. Having safely completed over 200,000 miles of computer-led driving, we wanted to share one of our favorite moments. Here's Steve, who joined us for a special drive on a carefully programmed route to experience being behind the wheel in a whole new way. We organized this test as a technical experiment, but we think it's also a promising look at what autonomous technology may one day deliver if rigorous technology and safety standards can be met.

發佈日期:2014年5月27日 Fully autonomous driving has always been the goal of our project, because we think this could improve road safety and help lots of people who can't drive.