Here's the compilation video of this year's '24 in 24'. The basic idea is that we attempt to create 24 animations in 24 hours.
The idea was inspired by 24 hour Comic day, which was started by Scott McCloud. Members of Newgrounds, deviantart and the web helped bring this film together, by providing ideas while we were broadcasting the whole thing live.
This year, we were only able to get 20 finished in the 24 hour time period, and had to do some overtime to complete the final 4 animations. It's a bummer that we couldn't get them all finished in the allocated time, but we're overall happy with the quality this year, even if some of them turned out rather cringe-worthy. Josiah Brooks did the voices for the Toast and Cloud series, and he did a fantastic job. We used some of the left over audio to create other animations such as Gross Nyan Cat. We'll probably do an extended version of Fez Guy at some point.
Made in Adobe Flash. Read more about it on
Music by Hania Lee
Animation by James Lee
Voices by Josiah Brooks (Jazza)