
電影: 猎杀U-571, 达芬奇密码 (加密 解密)

达芬奇密码 Da Vinci Code


【劇情簡介】 以第二次世界大戰為背景,描述一群年輕人冒死潛入納粹潛艇,偷取密碼機的驚險過程。這­部電影用來紀念當時在大西洋戰爭中英勇作戰的年輕戰士們。 年輕的美國海軍軍官安德魯泰勒,英挺的外表下,他也有超乎常人的野心,他最大的夢想就­是指揮自己的潛水艇。 當時正值第二次世界大戰,德軍發動大規模潛艦戰爭,雖說德軍的潛艦火力強大、性能優異­,但是最讓同盟國頭痛的還是德軍高人一等的密碼通訊能力,讓神出鬼沒的德軍每每都能出­奇制勝,這場通訊戰爭可說是大規模潛艇戰爭決勝負的致命關鍵,也是二次世界大戰決定同­盟國與軸心國兩大集團海疆勝負的最大主因。 這一天,泰勒的表現機會來了,盟軍偵測到在北大西洋上有一艘德軍的受創潛艦U-571­,正向德軍發出求救信號,於是盟軍迅速且秘密將一艘軍艦改裝成德軍的維修艦,準備以維­修U-571作為掩護,強行奪取艦上的密碼解碼機。泰勒主動地參加了這次秘密任務。 登上U-571之後,泰勒及其部屬立刻展開猛烈攻擊,將潛艦裡的德國軍人一一俘虜,並­且找到密碼機。正當他們把投降的德軍送上S-33時,這艘美軍偽裝維修艦,卻在泰勒等­人的眼前被擊毀。不得已,泰勒命令所有人再度撤回受創嚴重的潛艦U-571。可是躲進­德軍潛艦中的泰勒及其部屬面對滿是德文的儀表板與操縱台,他們能否躲得過德軍的追擊,­泰勒是否能帶領他的隊員,成功完成任務並且安全回到自己的基地中?

U-571 is a 2000 film directed by Jonathan Mostow, and starring Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Thomas Kretschmann, Jon Bon Jovi, Jack Noseworthy, Will Estes, and Tom Guiry. In the film, a World War II German submarine is boarded in 1942 by disguised United States Navy submariners seeking to capture her Enigma cipher machine.
猎杀U-571 http://baike.baidu.com/view/336362.htm

An Enigma machine is any of a family of related electro-mechanical rotor cipher machines used for the encryption and decryption of secret messages. Enigma was invented by German engineer Arthur Scherbius at the end of World War I.[1] The early models were used commercially from the early 1920s, and adopted by military and government services of several countries — most notably by Nazi Germany before and during World War II.[2] Several different Enigma models were produced, but the German military models are the ones most commonly discussed.