
電子書包 e-school bag, iPad in education, Google, Microsoft, student robots

小牛頓電子書包妙用 (台灣出版商)

iPad Kids Commercial (30s, for small kids)

Apple education learning with iPad in US real life 5 min

LifeProof iPad nüüd - Learn  1 min, bg music

Schoolidea - iPad in Education Ad  1.30min, bg music

Introducing Tablets with Google Play for Education 

2.40 min  小學

Chromebook in Education -- Science Leadership Academy | Intel  中學  1.20 min

Previewing a new Classroom by Google (1.40min) (Chromebook)

Google for Education 101 (1.30min)

WIFI at school buses:
The Detroit Bus Company: Fun buses and innovative transportation solutions for youth

學生機械人比賽: 鬥創意

科大 攞 獎機械人 游得轉得 50s actionews


 50s actionews

Student Robots Competition
Games Robots Play: On The Whiteboard  3min