
MAKANI’S ENERGY KITE (Google X project)



How does the energy kite work?

The energy kite is launched from the ground station by the rotors, which act like propellers on a helicopter taking off. Once in the air, the energy kite generates power by flying in large circles where the wind is strong and consistent. Air moving across rotors mounted on the energy kite forces them to rotate, driving generators to produce electricity, which travels down the tether to the grid. The energy kite’s path is guided by the flight computer, which will use GPS and other sensors to make many thousands of calculations and adjustments to fly the kite in strong and steady winds

How safe is the Makani energy kite?

Makani uses advanced technology and rigorous testing to ensure that the energy kite is safe. There are multiple redundant computers, rotors and other components on the kite to ensure it can keep flying in the unlikely event that something stops working. The kite is also able to land on the ground station for maintenance. Energy kites are also tested on sites that are far away from people, infrastructure and airplane flight paths