
S2 Ch2 Operation Systems - integrated (2015 updated)

S2 Ch2 Operation Systems - integrated (2015 updated)

Microsoft VS Apple: The Evolution of OSs (1978 - 2014)
7 min, bg music

Windows 10 Vs Mac OS X El Capitan(UI Comparison)
2 min, bg music

Xiaomi Mi4 windows 10 hands on 中文版本

MS Windows 8

Microsoft Surface Pro Commercial (1 min, dancing, strong music)


Mac OS X 

the history of the Mac OS  4min, bg music

Mac OS X Lion Presentation Ad (show UI, 2011) 1:47min bg music

 Mac Pro - Cinema Ad - Mac Pro Trailer

Making the all-new Mac Pro (垃圾桶) factory production 2min video


Discover Ubuntu (Ubuntu Commercial) (3 min, bg music, English narration)  2012

Apple Watch 

 Apple Watch - Health and Fitness 2 min

Apple Watch - Reveal (hardware) 2min


BlackBerry 10 Commercial Ad

BlackBerry Bold Commercial 30s

Pixi Commercial - "Give Fun, Get Fun" (HDTV) 30s in 2009

Meet the new Windows Phone - Reinvented Around You (New TV Version) - HD (1 min)