Commercial video: Google voice search
Google voice search experiments: desert
S2 Ch 2 應用軟件:雲端應用 (Google Drive commercials)
Google Docs: A love letter (1.30s share and edit a love letter, with bg music)
Meet the new Google Sheets (1.20s English narratiions, with bg music, good to show the features)
This is Google Drive (30s English narratiions, good demo)
Google Drive for mobile (1.20s English narratiions)
Add-ons for Google Docs & Sheets (1.20s English narratiions, demo of advanced features)
ITU:全球網路用戶已達 30 億人,但主要集中在富裕國家 2014/11
ITU:全球網路用戶已達 30 億人,但主要集中在富裕國家
根據 ITU(International Telecommunication's Union,國際電信聯盟)最新公佈的數據來看,目前全球網路用戶的數量已經超過了 30 億人(和去年相比增長了 6.6%)。毫無疑問,網路的普及會為人們的生活帶來許多積極的改變。而其中之一,在 ITU 看來,就是能對「婦女、青少年和殘障人士」等弱勢群體產生巨大的影響。不過儘管如此,許多國家在網路發展這方面還做得不夠,當下全世界仍有 43 億人無法接觸到網路。在這之中,大約有 90% 都居住在開發中地區。相較之下,在所有上網者中差不多有三分之二來自第一世界國家。
那麼,如何來改變貧窮國家與網路無緣的現狀呢?ITU 發現近年來網路用戶數大幅增長的那些國家,政府大多都在資訊技術等方面有著遠大的目標。開發中國家若想要追趕上來,這樣的經驗應該要好好借鑑。除此之外,ITU 還指出在偏遠地區居民中連網的比率很低,這一方面是由於居住環境,另一方面(尤其在貧窮國家)則是因為無力承擔上網開銷。為了解決這個問題,他們也在最近推出了一項新的計畫:藉由電視播放用的無線頻譜來傳送網路訊號,這樣既能擴大使用範圍,又能有效降低費用。如果一切順利的話,ITU 預計能在未來 5 年內讓 15 億人用上網路,那在這裡,我們就祝願他們能早日成功吧。
S2 Ch2 Operation Systems - integrated (2015 updated)
Microsoft VS Apple: The Evolution of OSs (1978 - 2014)
7 min, bg music
Windows 10 Vs Mac OS X El Capitan(UI Comparison)
2 min, bg music
Xiaomi Mi4 windows 10 hands on 中文版本
MS Windows 8
Microsoft Surface Pro Commercial (1 min, dancing, strong music)Mac OS X
the history of the Mac OS 4min, bg music
Mac OS X Lion Presentation Ad (show UI, 2011) 1:47min bg music
Mac Pro - Cinema Ad - Mac Pro Trailer
Making the all-new Mac Pro (垃圾桶) factory production 2min video
Discover Ubuntu (Ubuntu Commercial) (3 min, bg music, English narration) 2012Apple Watch
Apple Watch - Health and Fitness 2 minApple Watch - Reveal (hardware) 2min
BlackBerry 10 Commercial AdBlackBerry Bold Commercial 30s
Pixi Commercial - "Give Fun, Get Fun" (HDTV) 30s in 2009
Meet the new Windows Phone - Reinvented Around You (New TV Version) - HD (1 min)
Apple Watch
Apple - Apple Watch - Health and Fitness 2 min
Apple Watch - Reveal (hardware) 2min
Apple Watch - Reveal (hardware) 10min, mainly Enlgish narration
S2 Ch2 OS comparisons (videos 2015 updated)
Microsoft VS Apple: The Evolution of OSs (1978 - 2014)
7 min, bg music
Windows 10 Vs Mac OS X El Capitan(UI Comparison)
2 min, bg music
Apple Mac Pro (垃圾桶) Vs Windows: booting, gaming performance (6 min)
Ubuntu VS Windows 7: Booting (1 min)
Ubuntu 13.04 VS Windows 8: Left 4 Dead 2 Comparison with Screen Recorders (Gaming, 5 min)
Windows 7 vs. Linux Mint 12: Hardware Acceleration Benchmark (use FisHIE Tank, browser performance)
激光炮來了 2016使用 (新聞文章, 3 min video, demonstration, animation illustration)
5 min video, English narration
激光炮來了 2016使用
波音公司去年接到美國海軍的命令,完成100 千瓦「自由電子激光武器系統」試驗型號。波音戰略導彈及防務系統公司負責人格雷格.亨利斯勞普稱,這種高速、高精度、大功率的激光武器將使美國海軍戰艦具備應對新興威脅的能力。
此外,美國海軍還在與雷神公司合作研發「激光近距離武器系統」,該系統可發射功率為50 千瓦的激光束,既可安裝在軍艦內部,又可車載使用。據稱,這款激光武器,已於去年5 月在加利福尼亞州附近距洛杉磯市不足170 公里的海域實施秘密試射。
分类:资讯 | 发表于 2014年10月11日 星期六 上午 8:33
Watch the emotional moment bionic eye lets a blind man see his wife for the first time in 30 years
66 year old Larry Hester was blind for 30 years due to a degenerative disease'Bionic eye' can send light signals to his brainHe can now discern simple shapes
PUBLISHED: 17:54 GMT, 10 October 2014 | UPDATED: 20:30 GMT, 10 October 2014
As a large light is wheeled into the room, 66 year old Larry Hester's face suddenly lights up and a huge smile spreads across his face.
The patient at Duke Eye Center in North Carolina is one of the first in the world to be given a bionic eye - and cameras were there to capture the moment he saw for the first time in 30 years.
As his wife rushed over to hug him, he told surgeons the good news, telling them 'Yes! Oh my goodness, yes!' moments after surgeon's pressed a button, activating Hester's newly implanted bionic eye.
Scroll down for video
Paul Hahn, MD, a retinal surgeon at the Duke Eye Center, switches on the bionic eye - and 66 year old Larry Hester sees for the first time in 30 years
'Can I kiss him?' his wife, Jerry Hester, exclaimed as she heard him say he saw flashing lights for the first time
The Argus II Retinal Prosthesis Device incorporates technology initially developed by researchers then at the Duke Eye Center.
Using wireless technology, a sensor is implanted in the eye to pick up light signals sent from a camera mounted on special eyeglasses.
Its sophisticated features were further enhanced and marketed by a company called Second Sight Medical Products.
On Oct. 1, 2014, Hester became only the seventh person in the United States to have a so-called bionic eye - an Argus II Retinal Prosthesis Device – activated as a visual aid to send light signals to his brain.
Paul Hahn, MD, a retinal surgeon at the Duke Eye Center, counted backward from three and pressed a button, activating Hester's newly implanted bionic eye.
The device incorporates technology initially developed by researchers then at the Duke Eye Center; its sophisticated features were further enhanced and marketed by a company called Second Sight Medical Products.
Using wireless technology, a sensor is implanted in the eye to pick up light signals sent from a camera mounted on special eyeglasses.
Hahn implanted the sensor on Sept. 10, and activated the device on three weeks later – to the sheer delight of Hester and his family.
Hahn implanted the sensor on Sept. 10, and activated the device on three weeks later – to the sheer delight of Hester and his family.
Using wireless technology, a sensor is implanted in the eye to pick up light signals sent from a camera mounted on special eyeglasses.
Hester describes seeing flashes of light that are more intense when he aims the camera at lights or light-colored objects.
During a clinic visit on Monday, Hester described 'seeing' sights he had long believed were past memories – a white duck swimming in a pond, the harvest moon, his wife's yellow chrysanthemums.
In a healthy eye, the rods and cones convert light into tiny electrochemical impulses that are sent through the optic nerve and into the brain, where they are decoded into images.
If the photoreceptors no longer function correctly the first step in this process is disrupted, and the visual system cannot transform light into images.
The Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System ("Argus II") bypasses the damaged photoreceptors altogether.
A miniature video camera housed in the patient’s glasses captures a scene.
The video is sent to a small patient-worn computer (i.e., the video processing unit – VPU) where it is processed and transformed into instructions that are sent back to the glasses via a cable.
These instructions are transmitted wirelessly to an antenna in the implant.
The signals are then sent to the electrode array, which emits small pulses of electricity.
These pulses bypass the damaged photoreceptors and stimulate the retina’s remaining cells, which transmit the visual information along the optic nerve to the brain, creating the perception of patterns of light.
Patients learn to interpret these visual patterns.
Using wireless technology, a sensor is implanted in the eye to pick up light signals sent from a camera mounted on special eyeglasses.
Jerry Hester said her most cherished moment came while they were watching a football game on Sunday.
She was sitting in a dark chair, and her skin was enough of a contrast that Larry could see flashes.
He reached out and touched her face.
'It was just a beautiful touch,' she said.
Hester will return to the Duke Eye Center regularly for additional training on the device, learning to discern shapes and objects from the flashes generated by the device.
He said is eager to provide researchers with information they can use to enhance the technology, so that the next generation of patients will benefit from his pioneering effort.
'I just wonder how I have been so lucky,' he said.
'Why me? But if I can use what I learn from this to help others with RP, it will not just be for my benefit.'
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Real Life Scam: Hotel WiFi: English video
用酒店Wi-Fi上網,小心墮入黑客精心布下的陷阱!有網絡保安公司揭發龐大商業間諜活動,並命名為「黑酒店」(Dark Hotel),指過去7年有不法集團針對大企業高層,入侵他們所下榻五星級酒店的Wi-Fi網絡,藉此將惡意程式植入他們的電腦及手機,盜取商業機密。
防毒軟件商卡巴斯基實驗室(Kaspersky Lab)發表報告稱,黑客鎖定目標人物後,會預早入侵他們將下榻酒店的Wi-Fi網絡,當目標人物在酒店房嘗試登入Wi-Fi上網時,電腦便會彈出Adobe Flash、Google Toolbar或Microsoft Messenger等程式需要更新的訊息,若他們不虞有詐下載,電腦便會遭植入惡意程式。黑客亦會以用「漁翁撒網」方式,隨機入侵酒店住客電腦,倘查明對方身份特殊,便作下一步行動。
S2 Ch 1.2.2 Types of printers. How do they work (videos)
Ball head electronic typewriter (illustrate CPS, charactor per second)
how Laser Technology Process animation - YouTube.WEBM (from 0:45-2:00)
工業用 T SHIRT 打印機
Industrial T-shirt printer (2 min, bg music; English narration)
Ink jet printer working animated (1 min)
3D Printshow London 2014 (4 min) (What can be printed) 0:40-3:00
How a 3D printer works (0:40-1:10)
3D Printing | Enabling Dreams to Reality (2 min)
全球首支3D打印金屬槍問世 發射仍需匹配實彈
CIH病毒 新聞 video - Running CIH virus: at about 1:30
台灣駭客始祖「鬼才」陳盈豪 CIH病毒癱全球600萬電腦
原文網址: 台灣駭客始祖「鬼才」陳盈豪 CIH病毒癱全球600萬電腦 | ETtoday生活 | ETtoday新聞雲 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20151209/610718.htm#ixzz5GO0JpR9M
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Virus.Win9x.CIH Destroying a Physical Computer:
無人機和其他遙控機器目前只能用專用的遙控器來操作,對於有數台遙控機器的愛好者,在去玩之前可能要花時間去找出哪一個遙控器配搭哪一台機器,是件麻煩的事。這個開源遙控器(OSRC)計劃就可以讓你免卻以上的煩惱 -- 利用模組化硬件和基於 Linux 編寫的軟件來避開跟其他使用者重疊,在可編程的介面上,使用者可以換入新的無線模組來改變或優化現有的控制器。它也可以接上一塊 4.8 吋的觸控式螢幕模組(所顯示的當然是無人機的第一身視角)和連上移動網絡。使用者可以跟其他人分享控制權,在拍攝電影的時候想必會相當方便。
S2 Ch 1.2.2 Types of printers. How do they work (videos)
Ink jet printer working animated (1 min)
how Laser Technology Process animation - YouTube.WEBM (from 0:45-2:00)
Dot Matrix Action Printer T 1000
3D Printing | Enabling Dreams to Reality (2 min)
How a 3D printer works (0:40-1:10)
3D Printshow London 2012 (4 min) (What can be printed)