
CPU 四核 VS 八核 MediaTek; Gameloft 告訴大家分別 (video, 3 min)


在 MediaTek 發表了他們首款真正八核心處理器後,不少朋友都開始留意四核心處理器和八核心處理器所帶來的差別。如果大家也想進一步了解這個分別的話,遊戲開發商 Gameloft 就發表了一段視頻片段,以遊戲角度告訴大家兩者之間的分別。從片段所見,八核心處理器為遊戲帶來更極真實感的畫面,當中仔細的陰影效果、反光、鏡頭上的水滴等,將遊戲帶進了一個新的層次。


咪再鬧慢! 香港下載速度全球第一


大家別再抱怨上網慢了,根據著名網絡速度測試網站 Speedtest.net 於過去 30 天的 Household Download Index 速度榜顯示,香港以每秒下載速度 71.22Mbps 領先全球成為 NO.1,新加坡及羅馬尼亞則分別錄得 52.75Mbps 及 50.26Mbps 而位列第二及第三位。看完以下的報告之後大家會覺得上網快一點嗎?

Speedtest.net 根據最近 30天數以萬計的測試結果計算這一個 Household Download Index 指數,透過總吞吐量的移動平均值計算伺服器和客戶端之間少於 300 公里的測試總果。由指數可見,全球的平均指數只有 16.20Mbps,而科技發達的日、韓則分別錄得 40.74Mbps 及47.20Mbps 排第 6 及第 4 位,中國只有 16.46Mbps 排 44 位,而港人旅遊熱門地台灣則以 37.60Mbps 排行第 10。


失明女孩無臂少女 同步戰渣馬 (動新聞)








3D Scanning at the Smithsonian : video example of scanning and printing!

3D Scanning at the Smithsonian : video example of scanning and printing!


3D scanning with the Smithsonian's laser cowboys (video)

DNP 3D scanning with the Smithsonian's laser cowboys video
"We're not scanning every object in the collection," Adam Metallo tells me, offering up the information almost as soon as we set foot in the Smithsonian's Digitization office. It's an important piece of information he wants to make sure I have, right off the bat. It seems that, when the story of the department's 3D-scanning plans first hit the wire, a number of organizations blew the scope of the project out of proportion a bit. And while the team's project is certainly ambitious, it's not, you know, crazy. It's the work of a three-person team, still in its nascent stages, attempting to prove the value of new technologies to a 167-year-old museum affectionately known as "the nation's attic."
In the fall of 2011, Metallo and fellow Smithsonian 3D scanner Vince Rossi (a duo the institute has lovingly deemed its "laser cowboys") unpacked their equipment in Chile's Atacama Desert. "They were widening the Pan-American Highway, and in doing so, they uncovered about 40 complete whale specimens," Rossi explains. "But it might take decades for them to remove the fossils from the rock, so we were able to capture this snapshot of what that looked like in 3D." The tool of choice for the expedition was a laser arm scanner, which utilizes a process the duo compares to painting an object, moving back and forth across its surface as the device records the relative position of its axes.

3D scanning with the Smithsonian's laser cowboys

See all photos

The results speak for themselves. As we sit down for an interview, two employees carry in a scaled-down 3D print of one of the scans, an impressively detailed and still rather large object they place on the table behind Metallo. The team is planning to print the whale out at full size for a future exhibit -- albeit in pieces, due to build-volume constraints in even industrial-level 3D printers. "The prospect of printing a 25-foot-long whale that we scanned in the Atacama Desert in Chile is pretty exciting," Rossi says with a smile.
Also impressive is the sheer diversity of the team's work -- fitting though, when you consider the breadth of the Smithsonian itself. Metallo and Rossi rattle off a number of 3D scans they've done for the museum, a list that includes orchids, gunboats, the first aircraft to ever fly and various parts of Abraham Lincoln's body. "About three years ago, we had a 3D scan of a cast of Abraham Lincoln's hand," says Rossi. "We did 3D scanning because mold making was not an option -- pouring silicone rubber on this object posed a risk to it. Without touching the object, we're able to capture it in 3D on the computer and deliver that data to a 3D printer that can bring it back into the world."
DNP 3D scanning with the Smithsonian's laser cowboys video
On a table next to the whale fossil sits a variety of 3D prints and laser-cut cardboard versions of the president's head. "Life casts were taken of Lincoln, just before the Civil War and in the remaining months of the war," explains Metallo. "So we have a 3D representation of a sitting president over the course of a few years. By scanning the masks and seeing the toll the war took on the president, we have a much more visceral understanding of what he was going through." The key is minimal invasiveness -- 3D scanning affords the opportunity to create a lifelike representation of the objects without actually touching them.
The team utilizes a few 3D-scanning technologies, including the arm, each with its own limitations and employed for different jobs. The large-range scanner sitting on a tripod on the other side of the room, for example, might be employed to scan a roomful of dinosaur fossils, a process that involves setting up a number of targets throughout the room to give the machine clearly defined reference points. None of these devices, however, were actually developed with such work in mind. "All these tools that were developed for different industries, like engineering, architecture, the medical industry," explains Rossi. "We can see how these tools can be applied to the Smithsonian's mission."
DNP 3D scanning with the Smithsonian's laser cowboys video
It's a learning process, as is determining what to do with the final product. It's clear that there's value in scanning these priceless objects for posterity. However, unlike the museum's documents (which are scanned on a machine that shares the same space), it's hard to say precisely what the information will ultimately be used for. "The first reason we make an object available in digitized form is 3D research and education use," explain Rossi. And indeed, the team is partnering with educators to increase student engagement with the work, which will come in part with the increase of 3D printing in the classroom, thanks to consumer devices like 3D Systems' CubeX, which is churning away on a project for the majority of our visit.
And then there's the question of what the general public will do once the data is released on a wider scale. "We're intrigued to see what people can make with the data," says Metallo. "Everyone knows what to do with a photograph, but we want to see what the world can do with polygon models of Smithsonian artifacts."

(run on web) 新版 Smithsonian X 3D Collection 可以讓你看到甚至直接列印 3D 模型

新版 Smithsonian X 3D Collection 可以讓你看到甚至直接列印 3D 模型

Newly launched Smithsonian X 3D Collection offers historical models you can print at home

Smithsonian 在 3D 建模和列印上的能力我們已經見識過,不過那畢竟是給比較專業的用戶準備的。這次我們看到的是公眾版本的 Smithsonian X 3D,它是基於瀏覽器的 3D 查看軟體。它不僅可以讓你查看一些經過實體掃描生成的 3D 模型(包括古代動物化石和歷史上非常精美的藝術品),還可以通過下載檔案連接你的 3D 印表機,直接將模型列印出來。有興趣的可以去引用來源處看個究竟,如果使用 IE 的話可能需要安裝額外的外掛程式。

引用來源:Smithsonian X 3D

Google 街景跑去威尼斯了(影片)

Google 街景跑去威尼斯了(影片)

文章分類: 網際網路

Google 街景已經帶我們去過了很多地方,而最新的一站,就是水都威尼斯了。Google 的工作人員在背著 Trekker 背包走遍當地的大街小巷(還是說大河小橋?)之後,將最新的街景和 1838 年的地圖放在了一起,把 175 年來的變化都展現在了我們面前。作為虛擬旅行家的下一個目的地,威尼斯應該會是個不錯的選擇。另外如果你仔細看的話,說不定還能找到一些著名藝術品的靈感來源喔。


學生實驗: 放近WiFi 種子枯死

sir 的建議:

l          WIFI 路由器放在遠離梳化、床等家人長時間逗留的地方。
l          不買訊號很強的WIFI 路由器。

l          睡覺或不用 WIFI 時,將WIFI 路由器關掉。

蘋果日報  國際要聞 2013-05-28









大公報 網站

多方驗證無線路緻植物不發芽事件 說法不可靠

2013-05-27 17:27:49|來源:京華時報|我要分享







全球首支3D打印手槍面世 (17:34) 

美國加州科技工程公司「固體概念」(Solid Concepts)宣布,成功製造全球第一款3D打印的金屬手槍,依照模板是美軍的經典裝備布郎寧1911式手槍,由超過30個3D打印原件組裝而成,包括不鏽鋼及一些特殊合金材料,實際裝配時間僅5至7分鐘。該公司還表示,截至目前這支槍已成功發射50發子彈,射擊距離逾27米,跟常規武器一樣精準。製作這樣的武器,所需設備成本約85萬美元。



video Z-Machines 機器人樂團:還有比這個更「硬派」的搖滾風格嗎?


Z-Machines 機器人樂團:還有比這個更「硬派」的搖滾風格嗎?
由 Ross Wang 於 44 minutes 之前發表

文章分類: 機器人

當機器人放棄佔領地球的念頭,說不定他們將在樂壇找到一席之地(!?)。在今年眾機器人版聚團聚的 Marker Faire Tokyo 上,神秘的 Z-Machines 機器人樂團跳上台準備搖滾全場。這個成員完全是機器人所組成的樂團,成團的時間大約是今年的初夏時分,上面的照片裡我們可以看到吉他手與鼓手,可惜的是也十分有「黑金屬」感覺會發射雷射光束的 Keyboard 手 Cosmo 這次並沒有趕到現場。展場中的 Live 表演其實只有大約 10 分鐘左右的時間(影片可以在跳轉後找到)-- 大致上有兩首歌的表演,此次展期中他們預計每天將會表演 6 次,嗯... 不太容易累這也機器人的好處之一啊!

三位機器人樂手都能獨立演奏曲目,雙吉他手 Mach 除了眼睛上的互動螢幕外,還有可以隨著節奏飄逸的電線頭髮。如果各位有注意到的話,它的每根手指頭都夾著 pick 負責每條弦,相信在 Solo 的時候將會瘋狂至極,更炫的是,負責壓弦的兩隻手的機制除了會隨著彈奏的部位發出光芒外,也可以看到其機械機制壓按的感覺真的是十分扎實;被 20 個鼓環繞的鼓手 Ashura,形象跟日本的雷神很接近,整體的氣勢真的相當強,也顯示出這支機器人樂團所擁有的超越人類極限的彈奏能力。

對開發團隊而言,製作這個機器人樂團的最大挑戰,是要確保連續演奏的時機與動作都能保持一致 -- 像是對鼓手 Ashura 而言,在打擊完銅拔之後鼓棒回復的動作其實會是在完整敲擊的中間位置,所以下次敲擊的行程計算與同步將困難非常多(還要配合腰部橫向旋轉等動作)。跳轉以後,除了可以看到主站編輯在這次 Marker Faire 展上拍到他們暖身準備與表演的片段也有提供官方的表演影片 -- 其中可以看到 Z-Machines 跟其他「人類」樂手的合作表演。或許下次,魔鬼終結者 / 未來戰士的機器人們會請他們自己來為自己彈奏電影主題曲了吧?不為什麼,因為他們的手就是比你多(XD)。